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Effect of Sleep Apnea

Health Problems

In addition to these immediate symptoms, sleep apnea can create long-term health problems, and increase the risk of developing a number of conditions. Among these are:

blood pressure

  • High blood pressure
  • Gastric reflux disease
  • Thyroid problems
  • Cardiovascular disease, including stroke
  • Type two diabetes
  • Increased risk for a range of cancers

Weight Problems

Around sixty percent of people struggling with sleep apnea are overweight. The effects of mild obstructive sleep apnea have the ability to be cured if you lose enough weight, but that can be difficult if one is consistently tired or fatigued by sleep apnea. While being overweight can lead to sleep apnea, having sleep apnea can also lead to becoming overweight.

  • Fatty deposits in the neck blocking breathing at night, causing an apnea
  • Sleep apnea impairs the endocrine system, causing the release of the hormones which make you crave carbohydrates and sweets
  • People who are tired and sleepy tend to have lower metabolisms

Relationship Problems

When sharing a bed with a partner with sleep apnea, getting a good night’s sleep is often difficult. It can result from either the constant snoring and gasping, or their CPAP machine whirring in the night. When couples are not getting significant sleep, it could lead to multiple issues such as:

frustrated couple

  • Insomnia (inability to fall asleep)
  • Daytime fatigue and falling asleep at inappropriate times
  • Behaving irritable or cranky towards one another
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Contact us to learn more about the dangers of sleep apnea & the relief options available:

Baysac Dental Sleep Therapy | Dr. Mary Anne Baysac


Baysac Dental Sleep Therapy

Dr. Mary Anne Baysac

Office: 4200 California St Ste 210, San Francisco, CA 94118

Phone: 415.668.0526

Be sure to visit the San Francisco Dental Care

Baysac Dental Sleep Solutions